Tag: Data Processing

iwork.ph - I worked in an A.I company back in 2020 until 2022 as a data processing associate.Our main tasks there are to provide satisfaction to our clients when it comes to processing on differentkinds of data by annotating, transcribing and analyzing them with the guidelines that the client’sprovided. I’ve been to different projects within the company as we need to expand our knowledge whenit comes to data processing.We’re using such tools to process data like Appen connect, ADAP, google sheets and SRT if you’re familiarwith those tools.Also, I have worked as a freelancer with the same company as a social media evaluator for almost a yearwherein we mostly do social media labelling and annotations on the project.As a Data processing associate, I have become an expert in analyzing data, tools utilization and shortcutnavigation, paying attention even on the smallest details and most importantly in providing quality workfor the clients.Sometimes, we also communicate directly to the clients for an update and giving themrecommendations for the project.After that I tried to applied in a BPO company and luckily, I was hired for a staffing account and that wasback on June 2022 until this August 31st 2023, that’s gonna be for about 1 year and 2 months as aProcess Executive.We are the on calls for the afterhours for Nursing agency based in New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Ourmain tasks are to process staff's inquiries regarding on their schedules and payroll concerns with the helpof such tools for staffing management. We do inbound, outbound, text/chats and emails to contact andcoordinate with the staffs and the coordinators.We’re reaching out for those Hospitals registered with the agency in 3 different states that I have said tocommunicate with the Nursing Supervisors and even on the Director of Nursing regarding staffsscheduling, facility concerns and also to update staff’s profiles on our end. We also entertainedapplicants by asking them on what position their applying for and their primary information then we willendorse them by sending an email with regards to their applications with the respective recruitmentteam in different states. - Data Processing/Process Executive

Data Processing/Process Executive

I worked in an A.I company back in 2020 until 2022 as a data processing associate.Our main tasks there are to provide satisfaction...