Full Stack – Web Application Developer


$0.00 - $0.00


15 days


December 30, 2023

Start date:

End date:


Application Performance Management, fullstack, Web Programming

We are seeking a Full-Stack Web Developer responsible for building and maintaining a web-based dashboard application. This includes developing both the client and server sides of our application and integrating various external APIs.

Required Skills:

Proficiency in back-end development (PHP, CodeIgniter or similar frameworks).
Proficiency in front-end development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap or similar frameworks).
Experience with database management systems (MySQL, MongoDB, etc.).
Familiarity with API integration (RESTful services).
Knowledge of Git and version control practices.

Desired Skills:

Experience with building custom features for ClickFunnels 2.0* (Special Emphasis)
Experience with cloud services (AWS, Azure, etc.).
Understanding of security practices.
Familiarity with containerization (Docker, Kubernetes).
Agile/Scrum development process experience.

In order for your resume to be reviewed, you will need to include a link to 2 to 3 samples of projects of a similar scope that you've worked on before. You will need to detail what your specific role in each particular project was, technologies used and what you found most challenging and exciting about that experience. You will also need to include a link to a Loom or Other Video that you put together telling me why you believe you will be a good candidate for this particular position. Finally, you will need to include a link to a Loom or Other Video that you put together showing and explaining your current technical/computer setup so that I have a good understanding of what your current work from home capabilities are with regard to equipment and online access. Job applications that do not include these three distinct items will not be reviewed. In order to help me identify which job applications include these three distinct requirements, please include "FullStack Detail Oriented" in the Subject line. Applications that do not have that in the subject line will simply be deleted without being reviewed. Applications that do not have all of the information requested in this Job Listing will not be considered.

I genuinely look forward to thoughtful outreaches from qualified candidates.


Pick up location:

Drop off location:

Proposals: 0

Posted in

June 5, 2024