Amazon Wholesale Administrator Needed


$700.00 - $900.00


14 days


December 27, 2023

Start date:

End date:


Amazon, Catalog Management, Wholesale Sourcing

Recent Experience with AMAZON Online Arbitrage / AMAZON Wholesale Required!
Including experience with:
-Amazon Seller Central
-Online Arbitrage / Wholesale
-Google Sheets

Job will require;
1. to re-order and replenish inventory through;
-ordering on websites
-emailing and calling suppliers.
2. to input this information in various google sheets and prep center database
3. to create new SKU's for items

Job will also require to search and find new leads to order including;
-stalking seller storefronts
-reverse sourcing
-emailing and calling to open new accounts with suppliers.
-requesting quotes from suppliers

Include the word "banana" in the subject of your reply

This is a full time job. I am building a team of committed and disciplined people. Please do not apply if you are only available part time.

Please also send a 30-second voice sample. You will include your qualifications and why you are the person for this job. Please also send a screenshot of your internet speed.


Pick up location:

Drop off location:

Proposals: 0

Posted in

June 7, 2024