$400.00 - $700.00
12 days
January 7, 2024
Start date:
End date:
This job is heavy on research. I provide a lead service to owners of towing businesses. You will obtain information regarding towing companies in California. I want you to start with cities with population minimum 100,000. You will probably find from 3 to 10 tow companies per city. Start with cities in Southern California, (If you would prefer I can provide the city names I want you to research). This is the information I require from each tow company: Business name, owner name, address, phone number, web link, and (if available # of employees). I will pay you for each completed search (I'm allotting 2 hours for each search completion), so each will pay $3.00), or if I needed 4 in a day your wage would be $12.00 U.S. We will start with 10, send the results as you complete them. If you provide what I need and we get along well, you will be invited to be my Executive Assistant. There is much more you can do for me than search. Are you familiar with Google AdWords? I look forward to hearing from you. Stephen Lovelace
Pick up location:
Drop off location:
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