SEO Associate (Search Engine Optimization)


$700.00 - $800.00


13 days


January 3, 2024

Start date:

End date:


Research / Academic Writing, Search Engine Marketing, SEO

This role is comprehensive within SEO. You will be responsible for all stages of strategy and execution within SEO. Prior SEO experience is a requirement.

The company you will be working for is a comprehensive nutrition supplement company. We sell gummy bears that contain criticial nutrition and whole foods.

Specifically, your role will require you to:

(1) Identify keywords that our company should rank for on Google
(2) Leverage ChatGPT or similar tools to draft credible and targeted articles for those keywords
(3) Publish dozens of articles to our website's blog each week
(4) Cross link articles with each other
(5) Measure performance and identify opportunities for improvement

This is a full-time role. You will be a critical part of our marketing team and will have weekly meetings with the CEO. We're excited to bring you onto our team!


Pick up location:

Drop off location:

Proposals: 0

Posted in

June 14, 2024