Virtual Assistant


$900.00 - $1,000.00



Start date:

End date:


Virtual Assistant Prerequisites


A C1+ English speaking ability. Paired with confident research and writing skills on US events, business Etc.

Internet speeds above 50MBPS. All round computer confidence and skill set. Such as using chat gpt or other softwares to streamline your workflow. Organizational skills within G-Suite.

Ambition to produce quality work consistently. Delivering on what you say accounting for mishaps, life etc. If I say I’ll have something done by Friday I’ll usually have it pretty much done Thursday morning. Just looking for a similar mindset.
Attention to details and nuances is huge. Such as in your response to this post. Include a favorite quote, song or movie within parenthesis wherever it fits in your application.

Resourcefulness is key as well. I’m looking for someone who’d be able to get me out of a prison in turkmenistan. Through versatility both learned for said tasks and previous unlikely triumphs.

The work you'll be doing revolves around the skills listed above you're already there in all those skills. If you fall shy on one or two I encourage you to apply as well to see if it’s something you'd wanna learn. Less the prison thing I’m not partial to the food.


Pick up location:

Drop off location:

Proposals: 0

Posted in ,

June 12, 2024