Cold Caller


$400.00 - $500.00



Start date:

End date:


I am looking for someone to call local business owners and set appointments for my company. My company does website creation, SEO, content writing, and everything needed for local businesses to rank well. I have lists of potential clients and I am looking for the right person to join my team, full time.

I am looking for someone who speaks English very fluently and is able to call hundreds of people per day and set 3+ appointments per day.

If you are interested, please send your resume, let me know why you would be perfect for this role and include #GROWSEO in your email subject line.

My company already has 3 awesome Filipinos on our team and we are looking forward to adding more.


Pick up location:

Drop off location:

Proposals: 0

Posted in ,

June 15, 2024