
$0.00 - $0.00


8 days


January 6, 2024

Start date:

End date:


business analysis, Finance Management, Tax Preparation

We are a 60-person, 30-year-old US-based company. With over 35 Filipino members, we are looking for a member who is a CPA, versed in US tax law, who can help us operate within our budget projections and help us manage our cash flow in tax liabilities now and in the coming years. The company president is a sales guy by trade and by nature and needs assistance managing our fast growth in the effects that that does to our US tax bill and cash reserves. We need someone well-versed in ratios and budgets so that the leadership team can navigate day-to-day business operations.


Pick up location:

Drop off location:

Proposals: 0

Posted in

June 17, 2024